This site would not be possible with out the help and support of the following people :
JAN – Thanks for the help with the page. That was so great of you to take time out to help with it. The layout is awesome. I love the colors. Thank You also for the Bridal tiara photos for most of the brides. Thank You for the idea’s. I was seriously lost, until you helped me find out how to start this site. Thanks a million.
SYLVIA – Thank you for all of the Photos that I just can’t find. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help with Info too. Glad that you keep coming back to the board.
JAS – Yet another great photo contributor. Thank You for the Bulgarian photos, Greek Photos, and others that you have sent to me for my site.
VOLKER – Thanks for all the photos. You are amazing. The photo King, Thank you for all your help.
ANN G. – Thanks for the info. It is greatly appreciated.
JOAN – Thanks for the carriages info. Most importantly for the photos.
JULIA – Thank You for the wonderful photos and info. for the Princess Caroline collection. It is greatly appreciated.
URSULA -Thank You for the photos and info. That you found on Francesca Von Thyssen-Bornemisza.
Please be aware that this list is far from finished. I have more and more people to thank. I have yet to add them because I have been so busy.
For now,